
Holy Cross is a parish within the Episcopal Missionary Church. The EMC, incorporated in 1992, was an outgrowth of the Episcopal Synod of America (now Forward in Faith). The Rt. Rev. A. Donald Davies, retired Bishop of Fort Worth, Texas, served as its first Presiding Bishop and was succeeded by The Rt. Rev. William W. Millsaps, former Chaplain of the University of the South at Sewanee, Tennessee. The Rt. Rev. Vince McLaughlin is presently the presiding Bishop of the EMC, and is the Ordinary of the Diocese of the East. Our parish is within the Diocese of the South and Bishop Millsaps is our diocesan Bishop (The Rt. Rev. John Greaves is Bishop Coadjutor). Christ Church, Monteagle, Tennessee, serves as the Cathedral for the diocese. More information on the EMC may be found by clicking the EMC shield below.

Full Communion with the ACNA

In June 2019, the EMC (Episcopal Missionary Church) and the ACNA (Anglican Church in North America) signed a Concordat of Full Communion. While the EMC remains a sovereign jurisdiction, this agreement allows for easier cooperation and support between us (full recognition of orders, etc.), essentially solidifying our already longstanding relationship. This was a wonderful development in the life of the EMC, and we look forward to the fruit this will bear not only within the Anglican fold, but within the greater Body of Christ. More information on the ACNA, and many resources, may be found by clicking the ACNA logo below.